Secret To Night Vision Found In DNA’s Unconventional ‘Architecture’


Secret To Night Vision Found In DNA’s Unconventional ‘Architecture’

ScienceDaily — Researchers have discovered an important element for making night vision possible in nocturnal mammals: the DNA within the photoreceptor rod cells responsible for low light vision is packaged in a very unconventional way, according to a report in the April 17th issue of Cell. That special DNA architecture turns the rod cell nuclei themselves into tiny light-collecting lenses, with millions of them in every nocturnal eye.

“The conventional architecture seen in almost all nuclei is invariably present in the rod cells of diurnal mammals, including primates, pigs and squirrels,” said Boris Joffe of Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich. “On the other hand, the unique inverted architecture is universally present in nocturnal mammals,” for instance, mice, cats and deer.

Sumber : science daily
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