Posisi Post Doctoral di Perancis

Posisi Post Doctoral di Perancis
Bapak dan Ibu YTH,
Berikut disampaikan tawaran untuk melaksanakan program Post Doctoral di Perancis untuk dapat dimanfaatkan.
Sumber : Ditnaga DIKTI
Photo : http://postdocs.columbia.edu/images/postdoc1.jpg
Dear Professors,
My colleagues from the french research laboratory are seeking 1 young Doctor for a Post-Doctoral training programme.
They must have a PhD degree or are going to get it soon.
He/She has to have a PhD degree in the fields of Chemistry, Chemical engineering, Electrochemistry, Corrosion science, Biochemistry. You can get all the detail of the Post-Doc subject which is proposed in the offer.
The young doctor will have a Post-Doc position for the duration of this Post-Doctoral training progrramme in France.
If someof your Doctoral student are interested, the must contact directlt the person in charge of this research programme in thr research laboratory.
All detail are enclosed into the attached document.
Best regards
Professor Gerard CHALANT
PhD, Deputy Director of “n+1” network
Reseau “n+1”- CampusFrance
75014 Paris Denfert-Rochereau
75014 Paris-France
Tel: 33(0) 1 53 63 35 38
Fax: 33(0) 1 53 63 84 91
Email: g.chalant@nplusi.com
Website: www.nplusi.com