Ginger Quells Cancer Patients’ Nausea From Chemotherapy

Ginger Quells Cancer Patients’ Nausea From Chemotherapy
ScienceDaily — People with cancer can reduce post-chemotherapy nausea by 40 percent by using ginger supplements, along with standard anti-vomiting drugs, before undergoing treatment, according to scientists at the University of Rochester Medical Center.
About 70 percent of cancer patients who receive chemotherapy complain of nausea and vomiting. “There are effective drugs to control vomiting, but the nausea is often worse because it lingers,” said lead author Julie L. Ryan, Ph.D., M.P.H., assistant professor of Dermatology and Radiation Oncology at Rochester’s James P. Wilmot Cancer Center. The research will be presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in the Patient and Survivor Care Session on Saturday, May 30, in Orlando, Fla
Sumber : Science Daily
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Photo : Ginger root. Capsules of ginger root can be used to ease the nausea that plagues people undergoing chemotherapy treatment. (Credit: iStockphoto/Norman Chan)