Dietary Fats Trigger Long-term Memory Formation

Dietary Fats Trigger Long-term Memory Formation
ScienceDaily — Having strong memories of that rich, delicious dessert you ate last night? If so, you shouldn’t feel like a glutton. It’s only natural.
UC Irvine researchers have found that eating fat-rich foods triggers the formation of long-term memories of that activity. The study adds to their recent work linking dietary fats to appetite control and may herald new approaches for treating obesity and other eating disorders.
Study results appear this week in the early online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Sumber : Science Daily
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Photo : Having strong memories of that rich, delicious dessert you ate last night? If so, you shouldn’t feel like a glutton. It’s only natural. (Credit: iStockphoto/Dusan Zidar)