First Migration from Africa Less Than 95,000 Years Ago: Ancient Hunter-Gatherer DNA Challenges Theory of Early Out-Of-Africa Migrations
First Migration from Africa Less Than 95,000 Years Ago: Ancient Hunter-Gatherer DNA Challenges Theory of Early Out-Of-Africa Migrations Mar. 22, 2013 — Recent measurements of the rate at which children show DNA changes not seen in their parents — the “mutation rate” — have …
World not coping well with change in diets, says FAO Director-General
World not coping well with change in diets, says FAO Director-General Calls for all sectors of society to collaborate on new nutrition strategies Director-General José Graziano da Silva 15 March 2013, Wageningen, Netherlands – Urbanization, economic growth and other transformations are causing changes in …
New metric to be launched on hunger and food insecurity
New metric to be launched on hunger and food insecurity FAO’s Voices of the Hungry pilot project to run in four countries Annual survey will provide more detailed information on global hunger 13 March 2013, Rome – A new, faster and more …
Bayi Terlahir dengan HIV Akhirnya Sembuh
Bayi Terlahir dengan HIV Akhirnya Sembuh Ilustrasi – Ist INILAH.COM, Mississippi – Seorang bayi yang terlahir dengan mengidap virus HIV berhasil disembuhkan dengan kombinasi pengobatan sejak kelahiran. Seperti apa pengobatannya? Tampaknya keajaiban telah terjadi. Seorang bayi perempuan yang terlahir dengan mengidap …
Remains of Extinct Giant Camel Discovered in High Arctic
Remains of Extinct Giant Camel Discovered in High Arctic Mar. 5, 2013 — A research team led by the Canadian Museum of Nature has identified the first evidence for an extinct giant camel in Canada’s High Arctic. The discovery is based on 30 fossil …
Improving Climate Protection in the Agricultural Sector
Improving Climate Protection in the Agricultural Sector Feb. 28, 2013 — Agriculture is responsible for around ten to twelve percent of all greenhouse gases attributable to human activities. This raises the question of how these emissions could be reduced. A recent study has investigated …
Sains & Teknologi 5
Sains & Teknologi 5 Details Keinginan masyarakat tentang sejauhmana penyelenggaraan kepemerintahan merupakan hak masyarakat untuk memperoleh informasi dari suatu badan publik. Dalam proses keterlibatan masyarakat perlu diakomodasikan dengan cara mempermudah jaminan akses informasi dan dokumentasi Versi FlipBook Sumber : Ristek …
Small farmers risk exclusion from biofuels certification schemes
Small farmers risk exclusion from biofuels certification schemes FAO report warns that certification schemes could become indirect trade barriers if not properly managed A farmer harvests Jatropha fruit for biofuel production in Ivory Coast 26 February 2013, Rome – The way certification schemes for …