Climate change talks should include farmers
Rome – FAO has urged policy makers to include agriculture in negotiations for a new climate change treaty to replace the 1997 Kyoto protocol. “Agricultural land is able to store and sequester carbon. Farmers that live off the land, particularly in poor countries, should therefore …
Study shows bioenergy benefits for rural poor
Rome – Bioenergy, when produced on a small-scale in local communities, can play a significant role in rural development in poor countries, according to a new report jointly published by FAO and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). The study, “Small Scale Bioenergy Initiatives: …
Teaching Autistic Teens To Make Friends
ScienceDaily — During the first week of class, the teens’ eyes were downcast, their responses were mumbled and eye contact was almost nonexistent. By Week 12, though, these same kids were talkative, responsive and engaged. That’s the result of a special class designed at UCLA …
Impact Of Floods On Soils
ScienceDaily — A recent study conducted in the Midwestern United States examined the effects of harsh wet conditions on both cultivated and uncultivated soils, vastly advancing the knowledge of water’s effects on aggregation. Soil aggregation is an important soil attribute that is related to the …
Perhatikan Asupan Suplemen Anak
SUPLEMEN mampu melengkapi kekurangan zat gizi untuk menjaga vitalitas tubuh,termasuk bagi anak-anak. Suplemen dianjurkan untuk anak-anak guna menghindari risiko gangguan pertumbuhan. Suplemen dapat berupa vitamin, elemen-mineral, atau zat gizi lain seperti asam lemak, asam amino, dan zat esensial lain. Misalnya serat.Termasuk di dalamnya bahan berkhasiat, …
Ternate Jadi Pusat Informasi Flora Fauna Dunia
Jakarta (ANTARA News) – Ternate, Maluku Utara, akan menjadi pusat informasi flora fauna sekaligus budaya dunia sebagai kawasan yang pernah disinggahi naturalis legendaris asal Inggris, Alfred Russel Wallace. “Ternate akan dijadikan pusat informasi flora fauna dan budaya dunia,” kata Sultan Ternate, Mudaffar Sjah di Jakarta, …
Gunma Safari Park Bantu Rehabilitasi Owa Jawa
08 Apr 2009 16:34 Bogor (ANTARA News) – Gunma Safari Park Jepang memberikan bantuan untuk rehabilitasi satwa Owa Jawa dan program penghijauan di Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (TNGGP) sebagai wujud kepedulian masyarakat Jepang pada lingkungan hidup, baik satwa maupun hutan. Kepala Humas Taman Safari …
Resesi di Eropa lebih parah dari estimasi
FRANKFURT (Bloomberg): Resesi di Eropa selama kuartal IV/2008 ternyata lebih parah dari yang diperkirakan akibat penurunan tingkat produksi dan belanja konsumen. Kantor statistik European Union di Luksemburg melaporkan GDP di kawasan euro turun 1,6% selama kuartal terakhir tahun lalu dari tiga bulan sebelumnya, terbesar setidaknya …