Human Brains Make Their Own ‘Marijuana’
ScienceDaily — U.S. and Brazilian scientists have discovered that the brain manufactures proteins that act like marijuana at specific receptors in the brain itself. This discovery may lead to new marijuana-like drugs for managing pain, stimulating appetite, and preventing marijuana abuse. “Ideally, this development will …
Nila Gesit, Riset Panjang, Berbuah Senyuman
Beberapa tahun lalu, Haji Ade Misbah, peternak pembesar ikan dari Cianjur, Jawa Barat, pernah mengeluhkan bahwa kualitas induk dan benih ikan nila makin menurun. Pertumbuhannya pun kian rendah, rawan penyakit, dan butuh pakan lebih banyak. Dibanding ikan tawar lainnya, seperti ikan mas dan gurami, pengembangbiakan …
Australia siaga untuk bendung penyebaran penyakit layu
YOGYAKARTA ( Australia bersiaga untuk membendung penyebaran penyakit layu pada pohon jeruk dan penyakit darah pada pisang, karena keduanya berpotensi merusak industri holtikultura terbesar di Negeri Kangguru itu. Julien de Meyer, Manager Australia Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) untuk Indonesia, mengatakan proyek – proyek …
Bacteria Tapped To Battle Crop-Damaging Roundworms
ScienceDaily — Beneficial bacteria, aided by a “cocktail” of potent natural compounds, may offer a way to biologically control soybean cyst nematodes and other crop-damaging roundworms. That’s the implication of ongoing studies by scientists with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and the Donald Danforth Plant …
Tujuh institusi riset flu burung pada bebek
YOGYAKARTA ( Sedikitnya tujuh institusi pemerintah Indonesia, universitan, dan lembaga asing menyelidiki peranan bebek sebagai penular virus H5N1, menyusul kasus yang muncul di Vietnam. Institusi yang terlibat dalam kolaborasi riset itu adalah Ditjen Peternakan, Research Institute for Veterinary Science, CSIRO Livestok Industries Australia, University of …
‘Green Nobel’ for forest champion
A campaigner who was jailed during his battle to save the rainforest in Gabon has received a top international award. Marc Ona Essangui was honoured for his fight to stop what he describes as a destructive mining project in the Ivindo National Park. He is …
Animal Survival In Inherited Habitats
ScienceDaily — Researchers are exploring how inheriting favorable or unfavorable habitat affects the overall rise and fall of animal populations. For some animal species, inheriting habitat may play as much of a role in survival as inheriting intelligence, fertility, camouflage or other genetically transferred characteristics. …
New Nucleotide In DNA Could Revolutionize Epigenetics
ScienceDaily — Anyone who studied a little genetics in high school has heard of adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine – the A, T, G and C that make up the DNA code. But those are not the whole story. The rise of epigenetics in the …