Animals That Seem Identical May Be Completely Different Species
ScienceDaily (Apr. 24, 2009) — Animals that seem identical may belong to completely different species. This is the conclusion of researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, who have used DNA analyses to discover that one of our most common segmented worms is actually two …
Bovine Genome Could Lead To Better Meat For Consumers, Experts Say
ScienceDaily — Scientists from Texas AgriLife Research and the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) are part of a consortium of researchers who have developed an annotated sequence of the cattle genome which could lead to better disease resistance and …
Salmonella Strain’s Path To Virulence Uncovered
ScienceDaily — Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists have uncovered genetic evidence about the evolutionary path that transformed Salmonella enteritidis from an innocuous bacterium into a virulent pathogen. S. enteritidis, like many bacteria, reproduces very quickly–every 20 minutes in optimal conditions, according to veterinary medical officer …
12 Orang Tewas Akibat Flu Babi
Meksiko – Belasan orang di Meksiko tewas serta ratusan lainnya terinveksi virus flu babi. Lebih dari 50 orang juga tewas akibat penyakit yang sama. Organisasi kesehatan dunia (WHO) menduga, virus tersebut sedikitnya telah menewaskan 60 orang di Meksiko sejak pertengahan Maret lalu. seperti dilansir, …
Plants Absorb More Carbon Dioxide Under Polluted Hazy Skies
ScienceDaily — Plants absorbed carbon dioxide more efficiently under the polluted skies of recent decades than they would have done in a cleaner atmosphere, according to new findings published this week in Nature. The results of the study have important implications for efforts to combat …
Internet Ubah Kebiasaan Membaca Rakyat di China
Jakarta (ANTARA News) – Seperti demikian banyak pencinta fiksi di China, ketika Sa Rina ingin membaca, perempuan itu berpaling ke dua layar komputer di mejanya dan bukan membaca buku yang sesungguhnya. Sebenarnya, perempuan yang berusia 26 tahun tersebut nyaris tak dapat mengingat kapan terakhir kali …
Kontraksi ekonomi buat modal bank melemah
JAKARTA ( Pakar Keuangan New York University Edward Atlman mengatakan apabila pertumbuhan ekonomi terus mengalami kontraksi, modal perbankan tidak akan cukup untuk menutup kredit bermasalah. “Meningkatkan provisi tentu menggerus modal. Jadi bagus bank yang meningkatkan provisi, tetapi tetap tidak cukup untuk menutup potensi NPL jika …
Benefit Of Grapes May Be More Than Skin Deep: Lower Blood Pressure, Reduced Heart Damage
ScienceDaily — Can a grape-enriched diet prevent the downhill sequence of heart failure after years of high blood pressure? A University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center study suggests grapes may prevent heart health risks beyond the simple blood pressure-lowering impact that can come from a …