Swine Flu Outbreak Illuminated By Avian Flu Research
ScienceDaily — A new study by University of Maryland researchers suggests that the potential for an avian influenza virus to cause a human flu pandemic is greater than previously thought. Results also illustrate how the current swine flu outbreak likely came about. As of now, …
FAO acts over H1N1 human crisis
Governments urged to step up disease surveillance in swine Global alarm as new H1N1 flu virus spreads Rome – The FAO-OIE Crisis Management Centre – Animal Health is mobilizing a team of experts to assist government efforts to protect the pig sector from the …
Ekspedisi Biodiversitas Kebaharian di Selat Makassar
Sinergi riset dan resource sharing antara Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (Dikti) dan Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) terus berlanjut. Dua institusi pemerintah ini pada 3 s.d. 10 Mei 2009 akan menggelar suatu riset terpadu kelautan dengan nama “Ekspedisi Biodiversitas Kebaharian di Selat …
Dairy Better For Bones Than Calcium Carbonate, Study Finds
ScienceDaily — A Purdue University study shows dairy has an advantage over calcium carbonate in promoting bone growth and strength. Connie Weaver, distinguished professor and head of the food and nutrition department, found that the bones of rats fed nonfat dry milk were longer, wider, …
Benarkah Daging Merah itu Jahat bagi Kesehatan Kita?
Daging merah (daging sapi, kerbau, kambing, domba) sering kali dianggap sebagai biang kerok dari segala macam munculnya berbagai penyakit. Sejumlah laporan memperlihatkan bahwa daging merah dapat menyebabkan kanker dan beberapa waktu lalu di USA ada laporan yang menyatakan bahwa wanita yang mengkonsumsi daging sapi yang …
Perbandingan Kandungan Nutrisi ASI, Susu Sapi dan Susu Kambing *)
Tidak seperti susu sapi, susu kambing tidak mengandung aglutinin. Akibatnya globula lemak susu kambing tidak mengalami klusterisasi, sehingga lebih mudah dicerna. Susu kambing mengandung kadar laktosa yang sedikit lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan susu sapi (4,1 vs 4,7 %). Kondisi ini sangat baik bagi orang …
Eating Fatty Fish And Marine Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Risk Of Heart Failure
ScienceDaily — Eating fatty fish and marine omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil, seems to protect men from heart failure, according to one of the largest studies to investigate the association. However, the effect was seen only in men who eat approximately …
A Cow’s Genetic Predisposition Affects The Composition Of Her Milk
ScienceDaily — The genetic predisposition of cows has an effect on the fat and protein content of their milk. Researchers at Wageningen University have spent the past few years examining the scope and significance of genetic variation between cows for the differences in quality characteristics …