Kebun Raya Bogor Buka Rumah Anggrek
Untuk menyambut HUT Kebun Raya Bogor (KRB) yang ke-192 pada 18 Mei 2009, LIPI membuka kawasan Orchidarium (rumah anggrek) di KRB. Fasilitas baru ini akan diisi dengan berbagai spesies anggrek dari 500 spesies anggrek alam di seluruh Indonesia. “Anggrek di sini sebagian besar diperbanyak dengan …
Ginger Quells Cancer Patients’ Nausea From Chemotherapy
ScienceDaily — People with cancer can reduce post-chemotherapy nausea by 40 percent by using ginger supplements, along with standard anti-vomiting drugs, before undergoing treatment, according to scientists at the University of Rochester Medical Center. About 70 percent of cancer patients who receive chemotherapy complain of …
Hutan Laut dan Global Warming
World Ocean Conference (WOC) yang berlangsung 11–15 Mei di Manado, Sulawesi Utara, telah mengingatkan kita bangsa-bangsa di dunia, khususnya bangsa Indonesia, betapa pentingnya kelestarian dan keasrian lingkungan laut untuk menjaga kestabilan iklim dan mencegah terjadinya global warming (kenaikan suhu bumi). Hutan laut yang meliputi …
Can Happiness Be Inherited?
ScienceDaily — A new study suggests that our feelings in our lifetime can affect our children. Dr. Halabe Bucay suggests that a wide range of chemicals that our brain generates when we are in different moods could affect ‘germ cells’ (eggs and sperm), the cells …
SUPLEMEN, Bukan Pengganti Makanan
MENGKONSUMSI suplemen tambahan seperti vitamin memang diperlukan jika kurang mengonsumsi sayur dan buah.Tujuannya,untuk memperkuat daya tahan tubuh. Kegiatan yang padat semisal pergi pagi,pulang malam menjadi rutinitas pekerja kantoran Ibu Kota saat ini.Dan,untuk menunjang daya tahan tubuh agar tidak mudah sakit adalah mengonsumsi suplemen. Hal …
African Tea Offers Promising Treatment For Type-2 Diabetes
ScienceDaily — Researchers are attempting, with the help of a special African tea, to develop a new treatment for type-2 diabetics. The tea is used as a treatment in traditional Nigerian medicine and is produced from the extract of Rauvolfia Vomitoria leaves and the fruit …
DNA Analysis Reveals The Prime Stock Of Indonesian Cattle
ScienceDaily — DNA analysis shows that Indonesian zebu cattle have a unique origin with banteng (Bos javanicus) as part of their ancestry. Throughout the world, cattle inhabit a range of climatically diverse environments: common taurine cattle, for example, are kept in temperate zones, zebus in …
Why Silkworms Find Mulberries Attractive
ScienceDaily — A new study published online on May 7th in Current Biology has found the source of silkworms’ attraction to mulberry leaves, their primary food source. A jasmine-scented chemical emitted in small quantities by the leaves triggers a single, highly tuned olfactory receptor in …