Disease-carrying Mosquitoes From Tourist Aircraft Threaten Galapagos Islands Wildlife
Disease-carrying Mosquitoes From Tourist Aircraft Threaten Galapagos Islands Wildlife ScienceDaily — Mosquitoes with the potential to carry diseases lethal to many unique species of Galapagos wildlife are being regularly introduced to the islands via aircraft, according to new research. The southern house mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus, …
Chinese Acupuncture Affects Brain’s Ability To Regulate Pain, UM Study Shows
Chinese Acupuncture Affects Brain’s Ability To Regulate Pain, UM Study Shows ScienceDaily — Acupuncture has been used in East-Asian medicine for thousands of years to treat pain, possibly by activating the body’s natural painkillers. But how it works at the cellular level is largely unknown. …
Gajah Mati Diracun Pencuri
Gajah Mati Diracun Pencuri Labuhan Ratu, Lampung Timur (ANTARA News) – Seekor gajah jinak di Pusat Latihan Gajah (PLG), Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK), Kabupaten Lampung Timur, Provinsi Lampung, mati diduga diracun oleh pencuri yang ingin menggasak gading yang harganya sangat tinggi. “Pencuri memberi pakan …
Hundreds Of New Species Discovered In Eastern Himalayas
Hundreds Of New Species Discovered In Eastern Himalayas ScienceDaily — Over 350 new species including the world’s smallest deer, a “flying frog” and a 100 million-year old gecko have been discovered in the Eastern Himalayas, a biological treasure trove now threatened by climate change. A …
Scientists Devise Efficient Way Of Learning About Complex Corn Traits
Scientists Devise Efficient Way Of Learning About Complex Corn Traits ScienceDaily — There’s no “silver bullet” gene or gene region that controls so-called complex traits in maize, commonly known as corn. Instead, in two research papers recently published in the journal Science, North Carolina State …
High-fat, High-sugar Foods Alter Brain Receptors
High-fat, High-sugar Foods Alter Brain Receptors ScienceDaily — Overconsumption of fatty, sugary foods leads to changes in brain receptors, according to new animal research at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The new research results are being presented at the 2009 annual meeting of the …
Masker dan Membasuh Tangan Cegah Flu di Rumah
Masker dan Membasuh Tangan Cegah Flu di Rumah (ANTARA/Lukisatrio) Hong Kong (ANTARA News/Reuters) – Satu penelitian di Hong Kong menemukan bahwa rutin membasuh tangan dan memakai masker dapat mengurangi resiko penularan virus influenza antara sesama anggota keluarga bila dilaksanakan dengan benar. Penemuan yang dipublikasikan …
Big Cattle: The Genes That Determine Carcass Weight
Big Cattle: The Genes That Determine Carcass Weight ScienceDaily — An area of chromosome 6 that affects cattle carcass weight has been identified using two different Japanese breeds. Knowledge of this four-gene region should be useful in breeding beef cattle. Akiko Takasuga, from the Shirakawa …