Unique Study Isolates DNA From Linnaeus’ Botanical Collections
Unique Study Isolates DNA From Linnaeus’ Botanical Collections ScienceDaily — Researchers at Uppsala University has succeeded in extracting long DNA fragments from dried, pressed plant material collected in the 1700s by Linnaeus’ apprentice Adam Afzelius. It is hoped that the study, led by Associate Professor …
Rumput pakan ternak bisa cegah kanker
Rumput pakan ternak bisa cegah kanker Rumput mutiara (Hedyotis Corymbosa (L) Lamk), yang biasa tumbuh di tepi jalan, kebun, lapangan sampai selokan ternyata bisa digunakan untuk mencegah kanker. Padahal, rumput berdaun kerucut, memiliki daun sebesar ujung kuku, selama ini hanya digunakan sebagai makanan ternak. Sementara …
Fishy Sixth Sense: Mathematical Keys To Fascinating Sense Organ
Fishy Sixth Sense: Mathematical Keys To Fascinating Sense Organ ScienceDaily — Fish and some amphibians possess a unique sensory capability in the so-called lateral-line system. It allows them, in effect, to “touch” objects in their surroundings without direct physical contact or to “see” in the …
Buah untuk Sahur dan Berbuka
Buah untuk Sahur dan Berbuka ANEKA buah dapat disantap utuh,diblender ataupun dibuat jus.Untuk keperluan sahur dan berbuka,kenali perbedaan cara menyantap buah yang sehat juga tepat.Seperti apa? Selama bulan Ramadan, orang yang berpuasa umumnya mengalami perubahan,terutama terkait pola makan yang semula tiga kali sehari menjadi …
H1N1 flu in turkeys may spread Poultry connection strengthens global H1N1 pandemic
H1N1 flu in turkeys may spread Poultry connection strengthens global H1N1 pandemic H1N1 virus confirmed in turkeys at Chilean farms. Rome – The detection of an H1N1 virus in turkeys in Chile raises concern that poultry farms elsewhere in the world could also become infected with …
Teori Usus Buntu Darwin Salah
Teori Usus Buntu Darwin Salah (istimewa) INILAH.COM, Jakarta – Peneliti di Duke University Medical Center telah menyelesaikan penelitian mengenai usus buntu yang mengungkap teori Darwin tidak benar. Peneliti Duke berkolaborasi dengan University of Arizona dan Arizona State University menyimpulkan bahwa Charles Darwin melakukan kesalahan ketika …
Fruit Is Even Better For You Than Previously Thought
Fruit Is Even Better For You Than Previously Thought ScienceDaily — An international team of scientists has found that the polyphenol content of fruits has been underestimated. Polyphenol content in fruits usually refers to extractable polyphenols, but a Spanish scientist working at the Institute of …
Rejected Watermelons: The Newest Renewable Energy Source
Rejected Watermelons: The Newest Renewable Energy Source ScienceDaily — Watermelon juice can be a valuable source of biofuel. Researchers have shown that the juice of reject watermelons can be efficiently fermented into ethanol. Wayne Fish worked with a team of researchers at the USDA-Agricultural Research …