Increased Food Intake Alone Explains Rise In Obesity In United States, Study Finds
ScienceDaily — New research that uses an innovative approach to study, for the first time, the relative contributions of food and exercise habits to the development of the obesity epidemic has concluded that the rise in obesity in the United States since the 1970s was …
Jumling di Desa Ciherang
Jumat Keliling (Jumling) Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) IPB, Jumat (01/5) di Desa Ciherang Kec. Dramaga membawa berkah tersendiri bagi Majid, warga kampung Ciherang Kaum RT. 04 RW. 10 ini. Pasalnya, saat Temu Wicara Teknologi Tepat Guna, keluhan Majid yang berprofesi sebagai petani …
Jumling di Desa Neglasari
“Sebagai tuan rumah, kita harus bangga punya IPB. Mari kita berlomba memanfaatkan ilmu yang ada di IPB!” tegas Kepala Desa Neglasari, Otong Hermansyah kepada warganya saat Jumat Keliling LPPM IPB, Jumat (8/5). Kebanggaan ini, lanjutnya, sangat beralasan, mengingat Desa Neglasari adalah salah satu desa lingkar …
Way To Cut Cattle Methane, Threat To Environment, By 25 Percent
ScienceDaily — Beef farmers can breathe easier thanks to University of Alberta researchers who have developed a formula to reduce methane gas in cattle. By developing equations that balance starch, sugar, cellulose, ash, fat and other elements of feed, a Canada-wide team of scientists has …
New Method Used To Detect Antibiotics In Honey
ScienceDaily — A team of chemists from the University of Almería (UAL) has developed a method to simultaneously detect the presence of 17 antibiotics in honey within less than 10 minutes. The researchers have shown that traces of antibiotics used to treat diseases among bees …
Pro Kontra Pertukaran Sampel Penelitian
Dadit Herdikiagung Asdep Urusan Pengembangan Budaya Iptek. Deputi Bidang Dinamika Masyarakat Dalam dunia penelitian, pertukaran sampel atau spesimen penelitian merupakan hal yang sering dilakukan. Benda-benda berupa sampel, gen, mikro-organisma, binatang, tanaman, jaringan sel binatang atau tanaman, produk uji coba, dan lainnya merupakan bahan yang …
Ekonomi RI Kehilangan Momentum
JAKARTA (SI) – Makin berlarutnya rencana penyaluran stimulus fiskal infrastruktur Rp12,2 triliun dikhawatirkan makin membuat Indonesia kehilangan momentum mengejar pertumbuhan ekonomi. Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) Sofjan Wanandi mengatakan,keterlambatan pencairan tidak akan mampu mendorong efek berganda dari proyekproyek tersebut.Penyaluran stimulus infrastruktur akan dilakukan pada …
Ghost nets hurting marine environment
Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear is impacting fish stocks and poses a hazard to boats A sea turtle tangled in an abandoned or lost fishing net. Rome – Large amounts of fishing gear lost at sea or abandoned by fishers are hurting the …