Antioxidant Levels In Cooked Vegetables Vary With Cooking Method Healthier To Griddle-Cook Or Microw
Antioxidant Levels In Cooked Vegetables Vary With Cooking Method Healthier To Griddle-Cook Or Microw
ScienceDaily — Some vegetable cooking methods may be better than others when it comes to maintaining beneficial antioxidant levels, according to a new study in the Journal of Food Science, published by the Institute of Food Technologists. Results showed that, depending on the vegetable, cooking on a flat metal surface with no oil (griddling) and microwave cooking maintained the highest antioxidant levels.
Fruits and vegetables are considered to be the major contributors of nutritional antioxidants, which may prevent cancer and other diseases. Because of their high antioxidant levels and low-calorie content, consumers are encouraged to eat several servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
Sumber : science Daily
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