[PENGUMUMAN] Announcement of Proposal Submission for the Co-Research Project Collaboration between IPB and KU (CRPC-IPB&KU) Grant
[PENGUMUMAN] Announcement of Proposal Submission for the Co-Research Project Collaboration between IPB and KU (CRPC-IPB&KU) Grant

In accordance with the academic cooperation agreement signed between Kasetsart University, Thailand and IPB University (Institut Pertanian Bogor), Indonesia, on June 12, 2024, the administrations of both institutions have agreed to develop a joint research project. This collaborative research project involves researchers from both universities working together on critical issues related to agriculture, food, and biodiversity under the “Co-Research Project Collaboration between IPB and KU (CRPC-IPB&KU) Grant.” The project aims to address global challenges through interdisciplinary research and to leverage shared interests, complementary strengths, and the expertise and resources of both universities. It is designed to foster knowledge exchange, capacity building, and innovation development to tackle major regional challenges.
The CRPC-IPB&KU Grant also supports experienced researchers in international collaboration and emerging researchers promoting sustainable and ongoing high-quality research. Through this grant, significant research contributions are expected to advance scientific knowledge and strengthen academic ties between Indonesia and Thailand. This aligns with Kasetsart University’s four-year strategic plan (2024-2027), specifically Strategic Goal 2: International Academic Excellence, and the New 9 S-Curve for Future KU policy focusing on Collaborative University and Innovative and Creative initiatives.
We invite faculty members and researchers from both Kasetsart University and IPB University (Institut Pertanian Bogor) to apply for the “Co-Research Project Collaboration between IPB and KU (CRPC-IPB&KU) Grant” from now until December 10, 2024.
For more information, please refer:
More Details >> Click
Application form >> Click
Application Documents and Submission Process:
1. Complete one copy of the application form.
2. Submit the application in both MS Word and PDF formats to Email: kuias@ku.ac.th, and CC to the Email: dit.ri@apps.ipb.ac.id
(both emails must be included). Use the subject line: “Application for CRPC-IPB&KU Grant”.
3. Upon receipt of the documents, a confirmation email will be sent.
4. Each project proposal should be submitted only once and may be submitted by either the IPB or KU researcher.
– Since this grant is supplementary, applicants should already have primary funding for their research projects.
– The evaluation committee comprising members from both Kasetsart University and IPB University will make the final decision.
For inquiries, please contact:
– For KU researchers: Kasetsart University Institute for Advanced Studies via Email: kuias@ku.ac.th
– For IPB researchers: Directorate of Research and Innovation at IPB University via Email: dit.ri@apps.ipb.ac.id