A Cow’s Genetic Predisposition Affects The Composition Of Her Milk

A Cow’s Genetic Predisposition Affects The Composition Of Her Milk
ScienceDaily — The genetic predisposition of cows has an effect on the fat and protein content of their milk. Researchers at Wageningen University have spent the past few years examining the scope and significance of genetic variation between cows for the differences in quality characteristics of milk. They have discovered a number of genes that contribute to this genetic variation.
The research was carried out as part of the large-scale Milk Genomics project that Wageningen University launched in 2004 in association with the cattle breeding and dairy sector. On the basis of this knowledge, it is possible to devise an innovative breeding programme for cows and bulls to increase the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in the milk and to improve cheese production.
Researchers found enormous variation in the composition of the milk fat in cows’ milk. A significant proportion of these differences can be put down to genetic predisposition. DNA was analysed to find out which genes contribute to genetic differences between the animals. Researchers in Wageningen demonstrated that a mutation in a gene with a large influence on the amount of fat in milk, also affects the composition of that milk fat. Moreover, the Wageningen researchers were able to make use of available cattle genome data in their research; late last week more than 300 scientists published on this subject in the journal Science.
Sumber : Science Daily
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Photo : An innovative breeding program may increase the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in milk and improve cheese production. (Credit: iStockphoto/Stephanie Horrocks)