Byproducts Of Biofuels Could Be Economically Viable For Growers


Byproducts Of Biofuels Could Be Economically Viable For Growers

ScienceDaily  — Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists have found environmentally and economically sound uses for the byproducts of biofuel production.

Animal scientist William Dozier, formerly with the ARS Poultry Research Unit in Mississippi State, Miss., has been working with colleagues at the ARS Swine Odor and Manure Management Research Unit in Ames, Iowa, and Iowa State University (ISU) to find ways to supplement animal diets with glycerin. Glycerin, a biofuel byproduct, contains energy-providing nutrients for animals.

Dozier and ISU colleague Kristjan Bregendahl evaluated the use of glycerin supplements in poultry feed. Dozier primarily dealt with broilers, which are chickens raised specifically for meat production, and gave glycerin-supplemented poultry feed to broilers that were 7 to 45 days old.

Sumber : Science Daily

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