‘Natural’ Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria Protect Soybeans From Aphids


‘Natural’ Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria Protect Soybeans From Aphids

ScienceDaily — An invasion of soybean aphids poses a problem for soybean farmers requiring application of pesticides, but a team of Penn State entomologists thinks a careful choice of nitrogen-fixing bacteria may provide protection against the sucking insects.

Soybeans are legumes, plants that can have a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria — rhizobia — and therefore do not need additional nitrogen fertilizer. Each type of legume — peas, beans, lentils, alfalfa — have their own rhizobia.

“Soybeans are from Asia and so there were originally no nitrogen-fixing bacteria that would colonize soybeans in U.S. soils,” said Consuelo De Moraes, associate professor of entomology. “The rhizobia had to be transferred here.”

Sumber : Science Daily
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