Respons Antibodi Anti ETEC K99 pada Induk Sapi Bunting Setelah Pemberian Vaksin Escherichia Coli Polivalen
Respons Antibodi Anti ETEC K99 pada Induk Sapi Bunting Setelah Pemberian Vaksin Escherichia Coli Polivalen
Respons Antibodi Anti ETEC K99 pada Induk Sapi Bunting Setelah Pemberian Vaksin Escherichia Coli Polivalen
(Antibody Response Against ETEC K99 in Pregnant Cows Following the Administration of Polyvalent Escherichia coli Vaccine) Anita Esfandiari1*, Sus Derthi Widhyari1, Sri Murtini2, Bayu Febram1, Retno Wulansari1, Leni Maylina1 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan antibodi (IgG) anti Escherichia coli enterotoksigenik (ETEC) K99 di dalam darah induk sapi yang divaksin dengan vaksin Escherichia coli polivalen. Delapan ekor induk sapi bunting trimester akhir, diinjeksi sub-kutan dengan vaksin Escherichia coli polivalen sebanyak 2 kali sebelum induk sapi diperkirakan akan melahirkan. Sebelum divaksin, induk sapi diberi imunomodulator per-oral selama 3 hari berturut-turut. Sampel darah diambil melalui vena coccigealis sebelum vaksinasi pertama, 2 minggu setelah vaksinasi pertama, pada 1, 2, dan 4 minggu setelah vaksinasi kedua. Sampel darah dianalisis terhadap keberadaan IgG anti ETEC K99 menggunakan teknik Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) metode tak langsung. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa nilai absorbansi semua induk sapi yang divaksin sebelum vaksinasi pertama sampai dengan 3 minggu setelah vaksinasi kedua berada di bawah nilai cut off. Nilai absorbansi kemudian meningkat dan berada di atas nilai cut off pada 4 minggu setelah vaksinasi kedua. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa antibodi anti ETEC K99 terdeteksi di dalam darah induk sapi pada 4 minggu setelah vaksinasi kedua. Kata kunci: enterotoksigenik Escherichia coli, IgG, kolostrum, sapi ABSTRACT The objective of this experiment was to detect antibody (IgG) against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) K99 in the blood of cows vaccinated by Escherichia coli polyvalent vaccine. Eight dry cows were injected subcutaneously by polyvalent Escherichia coli twice prior to parturition. Before vaccinated, the cows were given immunomodulator orally for 3 days. Blood samples were drawn from coccigeal vein prior to the 1st vaccination, two week following the 1st vaccination and at 1, 2, and 4 weeks after the 2nd vaccination. Blood samples were analyzed for IgG and ETEC K99 using indirect Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) assay. Results of the experiment indicated that absorbance values of all vaccinated cows before the first vaccination until third week following the 2nd vaccination were below cut off values. The absorbance values then increased and were above cut off values at fourth week following the 2nd vaccination. In conclusion, antibody against ETEC K99, were detected in the blood of cows, fourth week following the 2nd vaccination. Keywords: cattle, colostrum, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, IgG |
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